Good Morning Everybody-I am not making a post for myself right now...(I have Miss Emoree)But I would encourage everybody to go visit Tabitha, she has some news to share. She is very uplifting and encouraging to a lot of people. Would love ya'll to go visit.. Thankyou :-)
Tabitha ~
Geaux Get Your Read On!
Geaux Get Your Read On!
You Rock!!!
Tabitha has a great site which serves to remind us of how easy it is to give and that we have so much to be thankful for.
oh very nice site! i have added it! Thank you
Tabitha-my living angel...least I could do :-) I am extremely happy to support you!
Mark-welcome happy to have you here. Yes, Tabitha is an Amazing Woman that does Amazing gifts of love every second of every day! She HAS taught me so much!
dizzblnd-fantastic happy to share her wonderfullness with everybody I can thank you for adding her :-)
Yeah you can write with her. Just tie her up like you do my children and post a blog. Baby Mama.
BabeeMama-LOL, you know that doesn't happen to your children! Well... not since they learned how to talk ;-)
I know you KNOW It is impossible to get anything done with a lil girl!!! They don't let ya out their sites!
Only reason now I can...she just left..I am booohooing...Bring me MY BOYS dammit!!!
Babee Mama also needs to work on her blogger account and quit hiding!!
OMG now you're doing COMMERCIALS!? How can I tivo this blog to skip that.
JUST KIDDING. don't get your panties in a wad....It is a great site.
Michel-OMG you made me Laugh! You are too funny Hey you got a commercial on the side there...tivo that one...
I am planning to do a spread on hotspongywhiskeyladdenchicken...I will be putting your mug...I mean possibly using a picture of your mug...I mean face...face yes, the top one...on your shoulders..that one! xoxo
Welcome new side bar know who you are *pointing* you...the one hiding with that loooongbutt name I can't even begin to figure out...
Michel- Oh my bad... I deleted you yesterday.. sorry ...
Michel-felt so bad..your back on the sidebar
Dar, you must have been sitting at you computer when I put up my post... I was still trying to edit it and you managed to get in and comment. Thank you Dr. Dar. I've got to get better... I still have 20 more things on my hundred and you know they got to pass muster after the first 80.
Gonna go check out Bliss.
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