Monday, April 27, 2009

I choose Bliss Too :-)

Good Morning Everybody-I am not making a post for myself right now...(I have Miss Emoree)But I would encourage everybody to go visit Tabitha, she has some news to share. She is very uplifting and encouraging to a lot of people. Would love ya'll to go visit.. Thankyou :-)

Tabitha ~


Geaux Get Your Read On!


Anonymous said...

You Rock!!!

Mark said...

Tabitha has a great site which serves to remind us of how easy it is to give and that we have so much to be thankful for.

Unknown said...

oh very nice site! i have added it! Thank you

darsden said...

Tabitha-my living angel...least I could do :-) I am extremely happy to support you!

Mark-welcome happy to have you here. Yes, Tabitha is an Amazing Woman that does Amazing gifts of love every second of every day! She HAS taught me so much!

dizzblnd-fantastic happy to share her wonderfullness with everybody I can thank you for adding her :-)

Anonymous said...

Yeah you can write with her. Just tie her up like you do my children and post a blog. Baby Mama.

darsden said...

BabeeMama-LOL, you know that doesn't happen to your children! Well... not since they learned how to talk ;-)

I know you KNOW It is impossible to get anything done with a lil girl!!! They don't let ya out their sites!

Only reason now I can...she just left..I am booohooing...Bring me MY BOYS dammit!!!

darsden said...

Babee Mama also needs to work on her blogger account and quit hiding!!

Michel said...

OMG now you're doing COMMERCIALS!? How can I tivo this blog to skip that.

JUST KIDDING. don't get your panties in a wad....It is a great site.

darsden said...

Michel-OMG you made me Laugh! You are too funny Hey you got a commercial on the side there...tivo that one...

I am planning to do a spread on hotspongywhiskeyladdenchicken...I will be putting your mug...I mean possibly using a picture of your mug...I mean face...face yes, the top one...on your shoulders..that one! xoxo

darsden said...

Welcome new side bar know who you are *pointing* you...the one hiding with that loooongbutt name I can't even begin to figure out...

darsden said...

Michel- Oh my bad... I deleted you yesterday.. sorry ...

darsden said...

Michel-felt so bad..your back on the sidebar

Reddirt Woman said...

Dar, you must have been sitting at you computer when I put up my post... I was still trying to edit it and you managed to get in and comment. Thank you Dr. Dar. I've got to get better... I still have 20 more things on my hundred and you know they got to pass muster after the first 80.

Gonna go check out Bliss.
