Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I am dareskimo

Hi folks no big post today.. I am still channeling my inner Eskimo...I will be back soon.

(could some of my homies come get me out of jail when EB has me arrested for stalking and stealing his mask) !

Geaux Get Your Read On!


Unknown said...

I'm on the way... where did you say you live?

darsden said...

Gaston-I live in blogland so that is everywhere I stalk I mean visit ;-) honey you can't tell by my accent...Mississippi darling!

Unknown said...

LOL! I hope you find it and return soon!

Eskimo Bob said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eskimo Bob said...

Dars -

In order to maximize my economic writing style: Comment.

Who am I kidding? I can't be that short-winded, and you don't have to worry about being charged with anything; just don't bother the moose and you'll be fine.

darsden said...

EB, I didn't see your moose..but I just love the mask I stole...but I should be done with my stealing...just wanted to link ya ;-)

darsden said...

Scrappy doo... welcome I see you ... Thank you for siging up on the side bar, I appreciate it.

darsden said...

Scrappy that also balanced the side thankyou:-)

noone said...

lol love the mask pic!

darsden said...

Pop, welcome thanks for visiting.. I swiped it from an eskimo ...;-)

Beth said...

Wanna come over for a sleep over? I think I'm going to have nightmares about that mask.

darsden said...

Beth-ahem...can I bring the mask? LOL

Lilly said...

Hey gorgeous, that is some mask you have there. I think I could do with it too, can I borrow it some time! Have to catch up with all your posts. Thanks for your sweet comments. You are a good, kind person Dar!

darsden said...

Lilly-*blushing* you are so sweet and I missed you so! Glad to have you back and was great to read your post. There are heros and angels in every day life...all around us :-)

DKG aka Scrappy Doo said...

Just read Pearls comments between you and EB still LMAO!!!!!!!!!!