Saturday, March 14, 2009

Braja's Car


derfina said...

Every time I look at that pic a shiver runs down my spine.

darsden said...

derfina- I know they are very lucky to be alive. (did you look at the wedding pics yet?)

Jeanne Estridge said...

Oh dear God in heaven. How miraculous that ANY of them are alive.

darsden said...

Jeanne- Welcome and thankyou for following. Yes, it is a miracle that all 3 of them survived. I haven't heard about the truck driver yet still trying to find out about him.

Lilly said...

That says it all doesnt it? Isnt it amazing that they all got out alive. Just unbelievable.

darsden said...

Lilly-a miracle they all did. Still trying to find out about the truck driver? Amazing the over flow of love out of blogland!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you Darsden.. I wonder what happened to the truck driver (i.e. the other vehicle)... Do let me know if you hear anything.

darsden said...

Ladyfi-welcome...yes, I haven't even found an article on him yet! A lil Strange to me...but when celebrities like Braja and her husband are over there, I imagine that is the focus. I am extremely happy with all the news we can get on Braja. It was scary till they started updating us all.

Joanie said...

Oh dear Lord! It's a miracle anyone came out alive!

darsden said...

Joanie-it is a miracle they all three did make it. Scary site!

Reddirt Woman said...


darsden said...

Helen-I know, it's crushed. would like to see the inside too myself...and the truck they hit.