Good Morning, I am going to try to share a few pictures of my aquarium. I have found it is not easy trying to take pictures of fish! I had to go through a lot to get these few. You can click on the picture to blow them up it helps with some of the details of the fish.
rare to see my catfish out esp for a picture
yoyo botia-jr tank ruler
red tail shark-the tank ruler
african leaf fish-she's cool - my fav
yoyo sleeps belly up, I always think he is dead
leaf likes to hide
Plecostomus-sucker fish
yoyo likes to take his picture
Plecostomus he is getting big
male betta rare appearance, sunkist gourami, my shark peeking in
I couldn't get good pictures of some of them. They are too fast and too small and shy. Thanks for dropping by and checking the tank out. I am going out to batten down the hatches again. It's going to be another bumpy day weather wize...YUCK, I 'm over the storms already!

Geaux Get Your Read On!
Geaux Get Your Read On!