Friday, January 16, 2009

One More Fa La La

Hello - EveryBody! I thought I would share just a little bit more of the family with ya'll and our families crazy Christmas. As all of you will be able to tell is does get a little crazy, everybody is doing their own thing. Everybody talks at the same time and it is He who Yells the loudess, maybe just maybe will be heard. (Sometimes I use a bell and drive everybody crazy, but they Will listen to me-even in protest) But, we have a lot of fun, a lot of presents, a lot of people and a LOT of food. We basically graze all day long.
It starts out quiet, just the folks and me on Christmas morning with the kids (2 pups). Then the family comes in on the Saturday after Christmas. Then the real fun starts with all the kids (the real ones & more puppies-I forgot about that there were three more that came in for the fun and 3 other lil pups left at home - poor babies). So, I hope you enjoy the holidays one more time with my family. The families with the babies are the Bourland zoo= Richard-my nephew, Wife Jennifer, West-5, Travis-3, Ella-1, and The the other Bourland Family is Frank, Brooke my niece and Emoree-3. Then you have the rest of the big kids all of us!
Rudey dog begging for a present (she loves to get presents and she knows when it is Christmas time)
MomKay giving Rudey her first present
Oh Yes, she does, opens each one and growls if you try to assist her.
Mom Kay (this is like her 4 printer request)
PaPa Bob with his raceboat I got him
Start of Saturday-Travis (3) with my hat
Sister in law Kay with her plaque-LOL so true
My sister Joy holding up her real present from me (see below post for gag gift) Notice how everybody is doing something different. (in the picture is my nephew Richard, holding the picture for his mom, my sister Joy, that is Kay standing, sister in law, Santa, my brothers ear, my mother lol about sumpin)
AWWWWE Rudey got another present
That's my aunt there...the foot
Proof that I always have shorts on , That a child hood trama gift I just opened (my beloved family) I had a bad experience once as a child...and it involved a damn sock monkey. Notice the damn sock monkey I opened not only is it a sock monkey but it is a neon sock monkey!!!
(in the chair filming the trama is my niece Emily 17, me and Karen)
MomKay at her normal
Love, Love, Love this picture of Emoree (3.5) my caption is Nobody is watching me! Why aren't they watching me, I am fixing to dance! So, precious! It's all about them babies.
Okay ya'll really that is it for Christmas 2008 see ya next year! Hope you enjoyed the peek and review. CuZ.........

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Lilly said...

Oh that was really interesting. I love peaking at other people's Christmases and they are all pretty similar. Who'd have thought we are already half way through the first month of 2009 - it is moving at frghtening speed!!

Reddirt Woman said...

Dar, I do believe you are blushing in that photo with the sock monkey!!!

Thanks for sharing.


♥ Braja said...

That Rudey is so cute....but did I miss something? What does your sister's plaque say?

And Dar, surely you're in touch with Derfina... where is she?!

darsden said...

Hi, Lilly thank you for peeking in. Yes, time is flying but that is okay that means it is getting closer to Spring and Summer. Dar time

Hi, Helen, yes that is probably very true! Along with the flashbacks of childhood and being recorder through the trauma...priceless

Hi, Braja, the sign she is holding says...I only have a kitchen because it came with the house. Derfina is at my house, we had a lil girls night. I am standing over her with a whip right now making her post something. She said she could feel us (sharks) circling her.

Suzy said...

I MUST HAVE THAT ADORABLE DOG. Maybe I can teach him to growl at the rent notice and give me a head's up.

darsden said...

Hi, Suzy, watch out Rudey might be growling at you for calling her a him...LOL She is a mess, she knows what presents are hers and she doesn't need any help opening them and she will let you know if you try. (she growls at my landlord all the time-who is my step dad but she only growls till he pets her belly)