Just a quickie, Derfina and I got together last night for a girls night. We had a lot of fun. We went to the mall to go eat and do a little window shopping. It had been a while since I was in the mall on a Saturday night. I am surprised at how many young people hang out at the mall...of course it was raining so that could have had something to do with it. After we ate we headed back to the mole hole to get our Saturday night drinking on and our Wii fix agoing! We started out by playing golf and thought I would share exactly HOW close Derfina and I ...actually are! Well, I hit my first ball...then it was Derfina turn....hummmm you just have to see the picture below. Yes, I had to take a picture. Because in all my Wii playing...I have never had some one come up in my business like ms thang did...see below! Music suggestion. Courtship of Eddies father..."People let me tell you about my best friend"...LOL I see "balls"
Oh I love a girls night out. Kids hang round the malls here all the time. I think its something teenagers do which suggests there arent many places they can go and therein lies the problem.
How close are those balls? Fun, fun fun.
Oh I like your beach of the day - love beaches!
Thank you Lilly, I love the beach and water myself. The mall on a Saturday night was a totally new adventure for me. You could not have put a piece of grass between those 2 balls, LOL she beat me at everything that night! Always great to have a "girls" night.
Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the blogsphere. I love how that gal rolled her ball all up in your 'business'. When she hit did she smack both of them. What a fun post.
Helen G.
Hi, Helen welcome to my lil site too. Actually I thought it would hit both of them but it didn't. It was a good laugh though! I tried to do a lil picture posting. I am not that talented to write so I write with pictures.
You two are too much. I love you :)))
Welcome aboard Reddirtwoman, thanks for joining my lil blog world.
Braja, my queen Welcome back where you been Ms Hollywood! or should I say whacha been doing?!
Everybody is leaving for vacation who is going to babysit dar???
Hey Darsden... love the beach pic. Hey, don't we love our close friends who just won't give us space? LOL! Balls included...
I'm not leavin' you, I'll be online the whole time, honey, count on it....
Where ARE you?
Hello and Welcom VeRonda thankyou for stopping by. Yes, it is wonderful to have a friend so close she doesn't even want to be alone on the golf course.LOL Come on back by anytime.
Braja My Queen I was so excited about naming cowbaby I had to go to bed...LOL I just missed you by a few minutes. Sorry, and thankyou for being around. Derfina is in the air now on her lovely vacation...sooon you will be seaside..I am going to have to blow this joint and go somewhere!!! So how far is the airport from your house Braja..can I rent a bike?
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