Happy Thanksgiving
3 weeks ago
Things that come into my mind and are looking for a way out. Sometimes they get trapped...Sometimes Ya just Got to Snap a Picture of It. So I am a Snapper Not a Writer. If I do write Remember I am from the South so it takes me a while to tell a story...southern drawal an all... ..
Dar your garden is Heavenly!!
So I see you had some spare time to garden while i was away!!!
Great pics!
you have beautiful flowers....great garden
Gorgeous as usual. I got.....nothing. Ok, I've had it. I'm going to go buy a petunia, put it in a small pot on my porch and take a picture so that I can stop feeling so inferior.
Tabitha-thank you it is heaven sent :-)
Michel-*whispers great to have you back* I can garden in my sleep woman! Thankyou
bearer of three-thank you very much, when we going dancing girl!
Pop and Ice-LOL that cracked me up...cut you some out of a magazine and hang them around ;-)
Jeez, Dar, had no idea you were such a master gardener and such a master photographer. Those are some stunning photos!
Oooh pretty.
Beautiful pictures! And you know the orange is my favorite!
I'm wordless...
Gaston Studio-just a few plants thats all and found a pretty good lil camera. Thank you for your kind words.
Eskimo Bob- thank you very much.
Becky-TF-Thank you and yes, I know it is. That is a very prolific hibiscu. Has 5 blooms today.
Helen-RW-well that is okay because it is wordless wednesday anyway. Get some rest! Thankyou for coming by.
TF-oops becky i think it was the other flowers I can't spell you were talking about...sorry I was wrong..that is my red hibiscus that I have had since 1987 :-))
Purdy flowers!
Ilove blognut's: "PURDY FLOWERRRRRS" :)))
hey dar, those things edible? :O lol
braja-thankyou too
laughingwolf-I don't know..try and lets see LOL
The pink rose is a winner! I can almost smell the scent.
Wow, what a garden! You have a serious green thumb and a good eye for pictures. More please :-) This is my first visit to you blog-- Love it! I'll be back.
ok, in my salad ;) lol
Hit 40-it smells divine :-)
Joanna Jenkins-Welcome and thank you so much for joining the side bar over there. I really appreciate it. Com'on back any time sit a while and have some tea.
laughingwolf- ;-) fixing it right now.
Razors and Vines-Welcome to you too and thankyou for signing up on the side bar. You com'on back anytime too and sit a while with some tea.
Has anybody else's livefeed disappeared...along with my awards..I am losing stuff off my blog left and right..anybody have any ideas for me...also can't open my own blog in blogger anymore explorer errors out...any help would be greatly appreciated :-)
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