Happy Thanksgiving
1 month ago
Things that come into my mind and are looking for a way out. Sometimes they get trapped...Sometimes Ya just Got to Snap a Picture of It. So I am a Snapper Not a Writer. If I do write Remember I am from the South so it takes me a while to tell a story...southern drawal an all... ..
Out of all of them the picture with the duck tape on theplane one scared me the most. The last one is sad!
You took those photos yourself, didn't you :))
Looks like my neighborhood!!!!! LOL! Funny stuff! Duct tape is a Godsend!
Duct tape on an airplane!!! I would not board.
Otin, honey, please tell me where you live so I can...like...avoid it :)) You wanna come to India instead so we can meet?!! :))
LOL :))
Oh dear lord! I think the flashlights to replace the right rear light is my favorite!
Oh my god! I think I know that guy in the last picture!
Here's the question that I'm dying to ask:
Do you think it hurt like a mother when he pulled that duct tape out of his crack?
Blognut, what makes you think he ever DID pull it out of his butt???!!!
Ha!!!!! hilarious. I love the car door with the padlock. In the window there's a car alarm sticker. Genius...
Yep, the South rides again - one grandpa from West Virginia, the other from Alabama - I've seen it all, duct tape on everything, and Pringles cans are very popular. Chains, too. My mom hides the duct tape from my dad and he calls me asking for some. Of course I have it, to tape over my kids' mouths when they are hassling me about something.
OMFG that last one is hilarious. i cannot even imagine the pain he felt when he tried to get that shit off of him. ACCKKTT!
Those are completely hysterical! A perfect Friday post!
Some of those pics are downright hysterical.
And some are SCARY!
Necessity is the mother of invention. Glad we don't have to rely on those ideas to make us prosperous. Sheesh!
I think the guy with the horse is actually pretty smart!
Dar, honey, can you find the picture of the guy's red and rashy buttcrack after he pulled off the tape?
Braja thinks he may never have had it removed, but wouldn't he have to in order to go to the bathroom?
Oh, Lord. i love the duct tape.
Oh, well, I love them all.
Truly I do. Now where's my duct tape??
last one really works, dar ;) lol
Thank you all for your comments I have been out playing with our new baby girl. NOPE no name yet...dang it..LOL she is 6.4 lbs and 19.5 inches and just beautiful. She will have her own post..when SHE gets a name..NINE months NINE months they had to figure out a name.. damn youngums!!!
I would like to send a shout out and Welcome Janie at Sounding Forth for signing up on the side bar over there. REally appreciate it! Com'on in visit a while and com'on back anytime :-))
When all else fails, duct tape!
India? LOL! I could not afford to get to Indiana! haha! (Well, kinda true :( )
Darsden, you are everywhere tonight!
Thank god someone duck-taped that guys ass crack! That is a fix worth risking life and limb for. I mean, I wanted to say ew, but I couldn't cuz all the yuck was taped over.
Hmmm. Now I'm feeling empty.
If it can't be fixed with duct tape, it can't be fixed. That's the rule around our house!
otin-I put my traveling shoes on and started walking dude :-)
Fragrant Liar-I think I will carry it on me for now on and take care of all the crack problems around town..LOL
Beth-I am a firm believer in duct tape too, I have done some major creations with it! Don't leave home without it in my car..never know!
Those were great! The last one is like a twofer crack cover-up and hair removal!
Oh Darsden,
Those were too funny. I'm off to bed and now I know I'll be laughing in my sleep...
Joanna Jenkins- thank you glad you enjoyed it.. cheap post I know LOL
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