This is dedicated to my forefounding bloggy mothers. Those that have truly inspired me. Those that have enlightened me, those of which I can never get enough of. Those that have worked their way so far into my heart there is NO chance of them ever leaving.

First the one who introduced this world to me. My buddy for the last 33 plus years,
Derfina over at Life in the River, Second but none the less First is
Braja My Queen over at Lost and Found in India. My own personal spiritual guru who has helped me see passed the nose on my face and has completely stolen my heart. She also opened a whole new world of bloggers to me like
Pearl, my Minnesota twin at Pearl Why you so...who in their right mind would want to ride a bus anywhere without Pearl.
Suzy over at Hollywood Where Hot comes to die, who new a celebrity could be so funny, cool and beautiful at the same time.
Vodka Mom ...she is unbelievably talented in writing with heart filled life stories and extremely witty in the process of her writing.

These women have been very influential to my upbringing here in blogland. But, I have to throw a couple of newbies in here too because I heart them so too.
Michel, over at Facts are strictly optional, if there was ever a person so wrapped up in themselves with humor it is Michel, she's right I can't quit her she is a very addicting drug. Now lets add in
Pastor Sharon..has to be the coolest pastor I have ever had the pleasure of being around. Her life trials and tribulations leave me speechless.

Please if you haven't gone and visited the women do so now...you will not be sorry. There are so many others, but like Michel the laziness has rubbed off on me and I am tired of linking..so go and enjoy some readings of these very fine women, who mean the world to me :-)
Be sure to show respect to these women as they have earned it.xoxo
Geaux Get Your Read On!