Saturday, June 20, 2009


LiL man growing up. He is five going on ten... time is flying by. Here is this summers T ball pic. He is going to be six at the end of summer OH, My Goodness!!! Big brother to Travis and Ella
Cop ghost hunter
dogs best friend
sleepy lil man heading to dardar camp last summer
one of my most favorites he says remember " when I had circle hair"
Miss my lil dude, they grow so fast!

Geaux Get Your Read On!


Jasmine said...

Ugh! Mine is two and I can't even think about five without crying!

Pop and Ice said...

That's a handsome bunch of grandkids! And I bet their Mom appreciates *Camp Dardar*!

sanewithoutdrugs said...

The boy has spirit in his eyes. His mom is in for a rough ride!!!

Sharon Rose said...

Oh, I love circle hair, especially on kids! He is adorable!

Pseudo said...

My favorite is the one with the gun in the underwear ; -)

Michel said...

seriously dude, you gots some cute cute kids in your family!! When I first read the post i thought you said he was 5 foot 10 and 6 years old. I was all set to call you carnie freaks...then I thought I had better check one more time.

Turns're not ... that I can PROVE!

Mary Ellen said...

Great pictures of a totally lovable all-boy kidling. My two sons are big men now - harder to cuddle! But the whole point of the venture is for them to grow up and be off. Savor the time!

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

Circle hair. . . I love it!

blognut said...

Why does circle hair look so cute on little boys and so ridiculous on grown-up women?

Another beautiful little boy! Great pictures.

Stacy Uncorked said...

Awwww! He's a CUTIE! They do grow up so fast...Princess Nagger is 6, just 'graduated' from Kindergarten, but it seems like just yesterday she was a little blob of a baby...*sniff!* :)

darsden said...

Thank You all for the kind words about West.