Young man takes a break to get ready for March Madness Games...
Young man takes a step outside ... to chat with his honey a while...
Young man grabbing some skittles and sweet ice tea...
whispering sweet nothings...
Young man whispering and excited heading home ....
March Madness don't You know...
Trayvon never makes it home....
Honey calling him...heard it all on the phone....
March Madness Unexplainable... don't you Know....
they say it was the hoodie...
they say it was the color...
HE is a young man...
don't you know...
stop all this madness....
this is ALL of US afterall...
don't WE know...
xoxo dar
Geaux Get Your Read On !
"The will of God will never take you
where the Grace of God will not protect you"