A mother's Love is always felt. But, YOU never really know the depths of a mother's love till you lose her. Here I thought I was a miss know it all. Don't get me wrong I know and knew a lot ... but mother's always have a way of surprising their children. This is by no means an ordinary box. Frame in this beautiful magnolia box is hidden treasure for a daughter to discover.
The discovery of what my mother found upon her mothers passing five days before hurricane Katrina. She had kept (mind you through hurricane Camille where they lost everything) my mothers report cards from growing up all the way to her diploma. She had discovered many things about her mom after her passing ... As I have discovered in mine.
Here are all my "important" growing up pictures... right down to my birth announcement .. (that I had just recently inquired about the hour I was born and she laughed and said she thought it was at a early hour of the morning) Little did I know..but she did ..she had my announcement.
This about blew me away...Mom has kept every card her three kids and pop has given her. I am still finding little pods of cards everywhere. Unbelievable and how special to know she separated them and in doing so I know she re-read all the love we had and still have for her. These are all of mine to her... I know she read how much she meant to me and how much I loved her-Wow!!!
just speechless
Another unbelievable surprise is this letter. It is written from my bestest friend in the world he passed away unexpectedly back in March of 1993. He and my mom had just the best un-son but son mom relationship. (he is deeply missed daily too) He wrote her a letter back in 1991 and she kept it...not because of him...but because of me and how special he was to me...big WoW!
just overpowering sometimes the love that is felt...still
There were many awards and acclamations she had received while she was a working woman I didn't ever know about. There were first place awards for dolls and the doll clothes she had made I didn't know about. Cake decoration awards...I knew about those...she made great cakes.
Happy Mother's Day Mom,
I miss you so much...with every beat of my heart..it's felt....

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful and
irreplaceable Moms Everywhere!
To the new Moms and all the moms... this is priceless to me...hide and keep somethings.. stupid, special, thoughtful, and just for your child to find...may you all be as blessed as I was with at least 71 or more years...hide your treasures. For they are truly priceless at this time.....
I can still hear my mother's laughter and her telling me ..
" You are going to have so much fun going through all my stuff when I am gone"
Geaux Get Your Read On!
'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.'